Obituary for Wayne A. Mikle Jr.

Wayne Ardis Mikle JR. aka “504” 45, passed May 12, 2019 was born December 20, 1973 in Shreveport, Louisana to Wayne A. Mikle SR. and Bessie Mae Mikle. JR. tended the public schools of Louisana until 1987. He then moved to Kansas City to live with his fher and step-mother Darla which has been his home for 32 years. His first love was U’nshale Davis and to this unuin a son, Cordell was born July, 1992. He gradued from Ruskin High School May 28, 1993. In August , 2009 again Wayne Jr. fell in love and married Valerie Hamon. Afterseveral years the marriage was dissolved. JR. received Christ as his savior a le age and was baptized Sunrise Baptist Church in Kansas City. He Leaves to cherish his memory his mother, Bessie Mae Mikle of Louisana, fher and step-mother, Wayne A. Mikle, Sr. and Darla of Kansas City, son, Cordell Mikle of KC, grandson, Logan of KC, three sisters, Earnestein Smith (Otis) of Louisana, Barbara Mikle of Louisana, Heher Mikle of Kc, and brother Marcus Mikle of KC, Uncles: Willie D. Jackson, of Ohio, Rickey Mikle(Shirley) of Lousiana, Larry Mikle of Texas, John Mikle(Regina) of KC, Aunts: Jean Jones of KC, Dorothy Mae JUAckson, JoAnn Jackson, Shirley Ann Jackson all of Louisana and Dosie Maee Frazer of California. Hosts of nephews, nieces, gre nephews, gre nieces, relitives and a very special friend Lisa Bond and family.

December 20, 1973
May 12, 2019

Visitation Details

Date and Time:
June 1, 2019 10:00 am

Elite Funeral Chapel 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64134

Service Details

Date and Time:
January 6, 2019 12:00 am

Elite Funeral Chapel 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64134

Interment Details

Interment Type:

Professional Services Entrusted to Elite Funeral Chapel 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO. 64134. Tel: (816) 765-0141 Fax (816) 765-5500