Obituary for Odie B. Lee

Odie B. Lee 67 passed away on September 26, 2015 was born October 25, 1947 to Amie and Otis Boone in Sherril, Arkansas; along with surviving siblings Barbara Baston and Leo J. Boone. She was preceded in deh by her parents, her brother Johnny Baker, Sr.; her sister Ruby Lee Armstrong, and her son Gerald Boone. In her early years, Odie migred back and forth between Arkansas and Kansas City, Missouri. She gradued from Manuel Tech High School in 1965 in Kansas City, then moved back to Arkansas and tended Baptist Community College in Little Rock, Arkansas from 1982 to 1984 earning a degree in Business Administrion. Odie worked as an administrive secretary for the Equal Opportunity Foundion while in Little Rock,Arkansas. She also tended Cannon Baptist Church where she was baptized and began leading her family to a saving knowledge of the Lord. Odie moved back to Kansas City where she began working for the Wayne Minor / Samuel Rodgers Community Clinic. Ler she worked for and eventually retired from Research Medical Center as an administrive secretary. Odie and other members of her extended family became members of Southside Christian Church, where she has maintained her membership even while in declining health until her final days. Odie was grely beloved and considered to be a blessing by her family, loved ones, and friends. She had a special style of her own; loved to dance and understood the value of the joy th comes through maintaining close relionships. She designed and made her own clothes and shared her unique style of fashion with many others. Along with her siblings Barbara Baston and Leo J. Boone, Odie also leaves behind to cherish her memory; her children Avery (Kimberly) Boone, Brenda (Felix) Beavers, Dewaine Hooks, Tyrone (Anika) Hooks, and Joseph Hooks, along with twelve grandchildren, twenty-one gre grandchildren, and a host of gre nephews and nieces.

October 25, 1947
October 26, 2015

Visitation Details

Date and Time:
October 7, 2015 10:00 am

Southside Christian Church 7304 Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, MO 64132

Service Details

Date and Time:
July 10, 2015 12:00 am

Southside Christian Church 7304 Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, MO 64132

Interment Details

Interment Type:

Professional Services Entrusted to Elite Funeral Chapel 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO. 64134. Tel: (816) 765-0141 Fax (816) 765-5500