Obituary for Mrs. Yvonne Jackson
Esteemed daughter, mother, and friend, Yvonne Jackson, aged 68, was born May 28th, 1952 to George O. and Joyce E. Walker. She was born a bright light and shining star and quickly became known as the life of the party. Yvonne was the oldest of 7 children and shared a special bond with her little brother Kevin. As a child, Yvonne creed fun memories with her siblings and cousins as she learned to swim and ske, her favorite things to do. Born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, Yvonne completed her educion in the Kansas City School District and began her life-long service in healthcare and ler retired Overland Park Regional Medical Center. There were many notable des well endeared by Yvonne: May 27th, 1978 when married Michael Jackson, Sr. Five caring children were born of this union and as her family grew, she affectionely became known as Aunt- and Gran-babe; August 24th , 1977 when her all-time favorite song, “Brickhouse” by the Commodores, was released. She could be caught any time singing BOMP BOMP BOMP BOMP DA-DA-DA-DUN, her favorite line; And on every loved one’s birthday where family and friends could look forward to their personalized rendition of Stevie Wonder’s HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA! As the song says, Yvonne had everything a woman needs… 36-24-36, she had a winning hand! Yvonne was the perfect balance of tough love and grand affection, being stern and letting loose. This was easily exemplified through her two favorite sayings: “I GOT MY RIGHTS” and “I love you more.” To know her, was to love her dearly – it was nearly impossible not to. She loved to hug and kiss on all her loved ones and had a way of softening even the hardest heads. She taught her children to be everything she was – a leader, a protector, so trustworthy and kind. Through th love, Yvonne was still a force to be reckoned with and did not take no mess! Everything needed to be in order from the inside out. Yvonne had a love for fur and diamonds and was always looking as good as she made everyone feel. Together with her family, she enjoyed traveling, spending nights the drive-in or the casino, wching mystery tv shows and true crime, dancing, tending plays and gospel concerts, spending time with her grandchildren, and loved comedy and making people laugh. Yvonne’s faith was strong and throughout all of life’s trials, nothing could steal her joy. She was brave until her very last breh, taken Tuesday, March 16, 2021 home, surrounded in love. She was preceded in deh by her mother and fher, George O. and Joyce E. Walker; step-fher, Jessie Taylor; mernal grandparents, Lloyd and Helen Harrell; four siblings, Donna Sue Fuge, Anthony “Tony” Walker, Charlie (Uncle Charlie) Davis, and Burt V. Walker; nephews Craig K. Sowell and Mister A. Fuge, and brother-in-law, Elmer Allen Fuge. Her light beams forever in the hearts of her survived loved ones: Siblings, George O. Walker Jr., Carla Walker, Julie Guthrie (Darwin), Ronald Walker, Kevin Walker (Karen); children, Carlton Walker, Sr. (Kimberly), Mickelyn Kitchen, Michelle Goodrich (Mario), Michael Jackson, Jr., Mesgana Jackson; grandchildren, DeAndré Madison, Edward Johnson, Christian Brunston, Carlton Walker Jr., Myka Jackson, Kristen Jackson, Destinee Goodrich, Mario Goodrich II, and Mario Goodrich III; and gre-grandchildren, Adrianna Johnson, Saidee Odems, and Naomi Madison. She is dearly missed.
May 28, 1952
March 16, 2021
Visitation Details
Date and Time:
April 3, 2021 9:00 am
Victorious Life Church
3400 The Paseo, Kansas City, MO 64109
Service Details
Date and Time:
March 4, 2021 12:00 am
Victorious Life Church
3400 The Paseo, Kansas City, MO 64109
Interment Details
Interment Type:
CemeteryForest Hill Cemetery
6901 Troost Ave. Kansas City, Missouri 64131
Professional Services Entrusted to Elite Funeral Chapel 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO. 64134. Tel: (816) 765-0141 Fax (816) 765-5500