Obituary for Mr. Floyd John David Lewis
Floyd John David Lewis, was born May 19, 1942 in McAlester, Oklahoma to his loving mother Earcille Lewis, he was the eldest of four children. Floyd was raised in McAlester and after high school, he decided to do his civic duty and joined the United Ses Air force, serving for four years until receiving his honorable discharge. After his military service, Floyd moved to Long Beach, California and become employed in the security field. After working many years in his profession and never fully retried. Floyd enjoyed listening to all types of music, but his favorite was rhythm and blues music. He loved joking around with friends and family, always quick with a smile and fun to be around. His greest joy in life was his daughter and grandchildren. He was a compassione and loving person and would help anyone in need. Floyd lived a life he loved, doing wh he enjoyed as a profession, surrounded by those who cared for him. He shall be missed and mourned very deeply. On May 2, 2021 Floyd departed this earthly existence and gained his heavenly wings and reunited with his loving mother Earcille Lewis, brother Odell Lewis, both of whom proceed him in transition. Floyd leaves to cherish with loving memories his daughter Tjuana (TJ) R. Nelson of Kansas City, MO.; grandsons Montel D. Nelson and Roger A. Smith both of Kansas City, MO.; two brothers Alfred Lewis, Sr. and Robert L. Lewis; nephew Alfred Lewis, Jr.; six gre grand children and a host of nieces and nephews, cousins and friends.
May 19, 1949
May 2, 2021
Visitation Details
Date and Time:
July 9, 2021 12:30 pm
Leavenworth Nional Cemetery
850 Muncie Rd. Leavenworth Kansas 66101
Service Details
Date and Time:
September 7, 2021 12:00 am
Leavenworth Nional Cemetery
850 Muncie Rd. Leavenworth Kansas 66101
Interment Details
Interment Type:
CemeteryLeavenworth Nional Cemetery
850 Muncie Rd. Leavenworth Kansas 66101
Professional Services Entrusted to Elite Funeral Chapel 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO. 64134. Tel: (816) 765-0141 Fax (816) 765-5500