Obituary for Mr. Clevon D. Carter-Grayson
Mr. Clevon D. Carter-Grayson was born on July 17, 1992 a joyful night 10:49pm under care of Truman Medical Hospital in Kansas City, MO. A loving baby boy Clevon Darrell Carter Grayson Jr., we some knew as Lil KeeKee was born to Desirai Sandel Carter and Clevon Darrell Grayson Sr. Growing to be such an unique and intelligent young man, Clevon was educed in the public schools of Kansas City and Independence MO where he obtained his General Educion Diploma with honors. A loving, protective and honest fher who he loved to be this most. Along with fher duties he enjoyed video games. Clevon brightens friends and family day with a smile so wide, dimples so deep, you have no choice but to join. Clevon pledged his life to Islam and exercised Shahadah Muslim profession since 2011. Wonderful but short life lived, leaving us soon never forgotten surely forever loved.
July 17, 1992
November 5, 2020
Visitation Details
Date and Time:
November 19, 2020 10:00 am
Elite Funeral Chapel
11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, Missouri 64134
Service Details
Date and Time:
November 19, 2020 11:00 am
Elite Funeral Chapel
11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, Missouri 64134
Interment Details
Interment Type:
CemeteryBlue Ridge Lawn Cemetery
2640 Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64129
Professional Services Entrusted to Elite Funeral Chapel 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO. 64134. Tel: (816) 765-0141 Fax (816) 765-5500