Obituary for Deverlyn J. Finley
Deverlyn Jean Finley “Jennie” 61, passed on February 21, 2019 was born August 13, 1957 in Shreveport. Louisiana. She was raised by her mother Betty Jean Harris-Finley who proceeded her in transition as well as her grandmother Dorothy Kennon and grandson Lorenzo L. Mitchell. Deverlyn also known a “Jennie” was educed in public schools of Louisiana. She accepted Christ in her life an early age. Deverlyn, worked as an Certified Nurse for many years before retiring as an registered daycare provider in Kansas City, Missouri She loved shopping, baking and doing puzzles and spending time with her loved ones. Deverlyn leaves to cherish with loving memories her three sons Nadrew Finley(Shanita), Rahmond Finley, Dalvin Scott; six siblings; Vivian, Kareem, Azzia, Hanify, Ish, Farrakhan and Ay Finley; thirteen grand children, six gre granddaughters and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends.
August 13, 1957
February 21, 2019
Visitation Details
Date and Time:
March 7, 2019 10:00 am
Elite Funeral Chapel
11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64134
Service Details
Date and Time:
July 3, 2019 12:00 am
Elite Funeral Chapel
11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64134
Interment Details
Interment Type:
Professional Services Entrusted to Elite Funeral Chapel 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO. 64134. Tel: (816) 765-0141 Fax (816) 765-5500